This is a blog. A blog of tweets. Used to be called micro-blogging until twitter Hijacked the space.

At the beginning.

I think in tweets.

Short paragraphs of thought

Shorter the Better

A little later.

These thoughts could be independent


They could be connected as threads or related through #tags

Even later.

I re-read my tweets a lot. Over & Over.

Sometimes Narcissism & sometimes to remind me

of things I already know.


At times I want to explore them and discover new connections, or new insights or wallow in old ones.

I like high-lighting and italics. Did I mention, we support Markdown!"

Right Here, Right Now.

You can do all this here and you own your data, download as you wish.

Unlike twitter this is not a performance,

this is recreation. This is expression.

This is Freedom!

Interested ?

Then signup!